flex: Start Conditions

 10 Start Conditions
 'flex' provides a mechanism for conditionally activating rules.  Any
 rule whose pattern is prefixed with '<sc>' will only be active when the
 scanner is in the "start condition" named 'sc'.  For example,
          <STRING>[^"]*        { /* eat up the string body ... */
    will be active only when the scanner is in the 'STRING' start
 condition, and
          <INITIAL,STRING,QUOTE>\.        { /* handle an escape ... */
    will be active only when the current start condition is either
    Start conditions are declared in the definitions (first) section of
 the input using unindented lines beginning with either '%s' or '%x'
 followed by a list of names.  The former declares "inclusive" start
 conditions, the latter "exclusive" start conditions.  A start condition
 is activated using the 'BEGIN' action.  Until the next 'BEGIN' action is
 executed, rules with the given start condition will be active and rules
 with other start conditions will be inactive.  If the start condition is
 inclusive, then rules with no start conditions at all will also be
 active.  If it is exclusive, then _only_ rules qualified with the start
 condition will be active.  A set of rules contingent on the same
 exclusive start condition describe a scanner which is independent of any
 of the other rules in the 'flex' input.  Because of this, exclusive
 start conditions make it easy to specify "mini-scanners" which scan
 portions of the input that are syntactically different from the rest
 (e.g., comments).
    If the distinction between inclusive and exclusive start conditions
 is still a little vague, here's a simple example illustrating the
 connection between the two.  The set of rules:
          %s example
          <example>foo   do_something();
          bar            something_else();
    is equivalent to
          %x example
          <example>foo   do_something();
          <INITIAL,example>bar    something_else();
    Without the '<INITIAL,example>' qualifier, the 'bar' pattern in the
 second example wouldn't be active (i.e., couldn't match) when in start
 condition 'example'.  If we just used '<example>' to qualify 'bar',
 though, then it would only be active in 'example' and not in 'INITIAL',
 while in the first example it's active in both, because in the first
 example the 'example' start condition is an inclusive '(%s)' start
    Also note that the special start-condition specifier '<*>' matches
 every start condition.  Thus, the above example could also have been
          %x example
          <example>foo   do_something();
          <*>bar    something_else();
    The default rule (to 'ECHO' any unmatched character) remains active
 in start conditions.  It is equivalent to:
          <*>.|\n     ECHO;
    'BEGIN(0)' returns to the original state where only the rules with no
 start conditions are active.  This state can also be referred to as the
 start-condition 'INITIAL', so 'BEGIN(INITIAL)' is equivalent to
 'BEGIN(0)'.  (The parentheses around the start condition name are not
 required but are considered good style.)
    'BEGIN' actions can also be given as indented code at the beginning
 of the rules section.  For example, the following will cause the scanner
 to enter the 'SPECIAL' start condition whenever 'yylex()' is called and
 the global variable 'enter_special' is true:
                  int enter_special;
          %x SPECIAL
                  if ( enter_special )
          ...more rules follow...
    To illustrate the uses of start conditions, here is a scanner which
 provides two different interpretations of a string like '123.456'.  By
 default it will treat it as three tokens, the integer '123', a dot
 ('.'), and the integer '456'.  But if the string is preceded earlier in
 the line by the string 'expect-floats' it will treat it as a single
 token, the floating-point number '123.456':
          #include <math.h>
          %s expect
          expect-floats        BEGIN(expect);
          <expect>[0-9]+.[0-9]+      {
                      printf( "found a float, = %f\n",
                              atof( yytext ) );
          <expect>\n           {
                      /* that's the end of the line, so
                       * we need another "expect-number"
                       * before we'll recognize any more
                       * numbers
          [0-9]+      {
                      printf( "found an integer, = %d\n",
                              atoi( yytext ) );
          "."         printf( "found a dot\n" );
    Here is a scanner which recognizes (and discards) C comments while
 maintaining a count of the current input line.
          %x comment
                  int line_num = 1;
          "/*"         BEGIN(comment);
          <comment>[^*\n]*        /* eat anything that's not a '*' */
          <comment>"*"+[^*/\n]*   /* eat up '*'s not followed by '/'s */
          <comment>\n             ++line_num;
          <comment>"*"+"/"        BEGIN(INITIAL);
    This scanner goes to a bit of trouble to match as much text as
 possible with each rule.  In general, when attempting to write a
 high-speed scanner try to match as much possible in each rule, as it's a
 big win.
    Note that start-conditions names are really integer values and can be
 stored as such.  Thus, the above could be extended in the following
          %x comment foo
                  int line_num = 1;
                  int comment_caller;
          "/*"         {
                       comment_caller = INITIAL;
          <foo>"/*"    {
                       comment_caller = foo;
          <comment>[^*\n]*        /* eat anything that's not a '*' */
          <comment>"*"+[^*/\n]*   /* eat up '*'s not followed by '/'s */
          <comment>\n             ++line_num;
          <comment>"*"+"/"        BEGIN(comment_caller);
    Furthermore, you can access the current start condition using the
 integer-valued 'YY_START' macro.  For example, the above assignments to
 'comment_caller' could instead be written
          comment_caller = YY_START;
    Flex provides 'YYSTATE' as an alias for 'YY_START' (since that is
 what's used by AT&T 'lex').
    For historical reasons, start conditions do not have their own
 name-space within the generated scanner.  The start condition names are
 unmodified in the generated scanner and generated header.  ⇒
 option-header.  ⇒option-prefix.
    Finally, here's an example of how to match C-style quoted strings
 using exclusive start conditions, including expanded escape sequences
 (but not including checking for a string that's too long):
          %x str
                  char string_buf[MAX_STR_CONST];
                  char *string_buf_ptr;
          \"      string_buf_ptr = string_buf; BEGIN(str);
          <str>\"        { /* saw closing quote - all done */
                  *string_buf_ptr = '\0';
                  /* return string constant token type and
                   * value to parser
          <str>\n        {
                  /* error - unterminated string constant */
                  /* generate error message */
          <str>\\[0-7]{1,3} {
                  /* octal escape sequence */
                  int result;
                  (void) sscanf( yytext + 1, "%o", &result );
                  if ( result > 0xff )
                          /* error, constant is out-of-bounds */
                  *string_buf_ptr++ = result;
          <str>\\[0-9]+ {
                  /* generate error - bad escape sequence; something
                   * like '\48' or '\0777777'
          <str>\\n  *string_buf_ptr++ = '\n';
          <str>\\t  *string_buf_ptr++ = '\t';
          <str>\\r  *string_buf_ptr++ = '\r';
          <str>\\b  *string_buf_ptr++ = '\b';
          <str>\\f  *string_buf_ptr++ = '\f';
          <str>\\(.|\n)  *string_buf_ptr++ = yytext[1];
          <str>[^\\\n\"]+        {
                  char *yptr = yytext;
                  while ( *yptr )
                          *string_buf_ptr++ = *yptr++;
    Often, such as in some of the examples above, you wind up writing a
 whole bunch of rules all preceded by the same start condition(s).  Flex
 makes this a little easier and cleaner by introducing a notion of start
 condition "scope".  A start condition scope is begun with:
    where '<SCs>' is a list of one or more start conditions.  Inside the
 start condition scope, every rule automatically has the prefix '<SCs>'
 applied to it, until a '}' which matches the initial '{'.  So, for
              "\\n"   return '\n';
              "\\r"   return '\r';
              "\\f"   return '\f';
              "\\0"   return '\0';
    is equivalent to:
          <ESC>"\\n"  return '\n';
          <ESC>"\\r"  return '\r';
          <ESC>"\\f"  return '\f';
          <ESC>"\\0"  return '\0';
    Start condition scopes may be nested.
    The following routines are available for manipulating stacks of start
  -- Function: void yy_push_state ( int new_state )
      pushes the current start condition onto the top of the start
      condition stack and switches to 'new_state' as though you had used
      'BEGIN new_state' (recall that start condition names are also
  -- Function: void yy_pop_state ()
      pops the top of the stack and switches to it via 'BEGIN'.
  -- Function: int yy_top_state ()
      returns the top of the stack without altering the stack's contents.
    The start condition stack grows dynamically and so has no built-in
 size limitation.  If memory is exhausted, program execution aborts.
    To use start condition stacks, your scanner must include a '%option
 stack' directive (⇒Scanner Options).