gettext: bash

 15.5.13 bash - Bourne-Again Shell Script
    GNU ‘bash’ 2.0 or newer has a special shorthand for translating a
 string and substituting variable values in it: ‘$"msgid"’.  But the use
 of this construct is *discouraged*, due to the security holes it opens
 and due to its portability problems.
    The security holes of ‘$"..."’ come from the fact that after looking
 up the translation of the string, ‘bash’ processes it like it processes
 any double-quoted string: dollar and backquote processing, like ‘eval’
   1. In a locale whose encoding is one of BIG5, BIG5-HKSCS, GBK,
      GB18030, SHIFT_JIS, JOHAB, some double-byte characters have a
      second byte whose value is ‘0x60’.  For example, the byte sequence
      ‘\xe0\x60’ is a single character in these locales.  Many versions
      of ‘bash’ (all versions up to bash-2.05, and newer versions on
      platforms without ‘mbsrtowcs()’ function) don’t know about
      character boundaries and see a backquote character where there is
      only a particular Chinese character.  Thus it can start executing
      part of the translation as a command list.  This situation can
      occur even without the translator being aware of it: if the
      translator provides translations in the UTF-8 encoding, it is the
      ‘gettext()’ function which will, during its conversion from the
      translator’s encoding to the user’s locale’s encoding, produce the
      dangerous ‘\x60’ bytes.
   2. A translator could - voluntarily or inadvertently - use backquotes
      ‘"`...`"’ or dollar-parentheses ‘"$(...)"’ in her translations.
      The enclosed strings would be executed as command lists by the
    The portability problem is that ‘bash’ must be built with
 internationalization support; this is normally not the case on systems
 that don’t have the ‘gettext()’ function in libc.