grub: smbios

 16.3.72 smbios
  -- Command: smbios [--type TYPE] [--handle HANDLE] [--match MATCH]
           (--get-byte | --get-word | --get-dword | --get-qword |
           --get-string | --get-uuid) OFFSET [--set VARIABLE]
      Retrieve SMBIOS information.
      The 'smbios' command returns the value of a field in an SMBIOS
      structure.  The following options determine which structure to
         * Specifying '--type' will select structures with a matching
           TYPE.  The type can be any integer from 0 to 255.
         * Specifying '--handle' will select structures with a matching
           HANDLE.  The handle can be any integer from 0 to 65535.
         * Specifying '--match' will select structure number MATCH in the
           filtered list of structures; e.g.  'smbios --type 4 --match 2'
           will select the second Process Information (Type 4) structure.
           The list is always ordered the same as the hardware's SMBIOS
           table.  The match number must be a positive integer.  If
           unspecified, the first matching structure will be selected.
      The remaining options determine which field in the selected SMBIOS
      structure to return.  Only one of these options may be specified at
      a time.
         * When given '--get-byte', return the value of the byte at
           OFFSET bytes into the selected SMBIOS structure.  It will be
           formatted as an unsigned decimal integer.
         * When given '--get-word', return the value of the word (two
           bytes) at OFFSET bytes into the selected SMBIOS structure.  It
           will be formatted as an unsigned decimal integer.
         * When given '--get-dword', return the value of the dword (four
           bytes) at OFFSET bytes into the selected SMBIOS structure.  It
           will be formatted as an unsigned decimal integer.
         * When given '--get-qword', return the value of the qword (eight
           bytes) at OFFSET bytes into the selected SMBIOS structure.  It
           will be formatted as an unsigned decimal integer.
         * When given '--get-string', return the string with its index
           found at OFFSET bytes into the selected SMBIOS structure.
         * When given '--get-uuid', return the value of the UUID (sixteen
           bytes) at OFFSET bytes into the selected SMBIOS structure.  It
           will be formatted as lower-case hyphenated hexadecimal digits,
           with the first three fields as little-endian, and the rest
           printed byte-by-byte.
      The default action is to print the value of the requested field to
      the console, but a variable name can be specified with '--set' to
      store the value instead of printing it.
      For example, this will store and then display the system
      manufacturer's name.
           smbios --type 1 --get-string 4 --set system_manufacturer
           echo $system_manufacturer